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Download Play Sagreras Lesson #84 Now


Guitar students normally have to pay an average of $45-$85 for a guitar lesson. Detail and advice that will help you to learn correctly can only be received from an experienced teacher who has been teaching the material for several years.

Here you will receive very valuable information resulting for over 35 years of teaching experience with plenty of advice and study tips on each exercise for less than $1.50 per lesson!

Imagine having a piece you are practicing in a portable format with practice tips , music samples and standard guitar notation. Here is Lesson #84 by Julio Sagreras.

Why the need of this guide?

The Guitar Lessons by Julio Sagreras is a very important and well organized method but it was not intended as self-guidance. In its original form, the lessons provide very little information (or have no indication at all) for the specific purpose of each piece.

If a student is not fully aware of the purpose, technique and possible difficulties of a piece, the practice time invested may be useless. As an example, the student may ignore slurs, rest strokes, muting of notes, sustain of a particular note, time signature or key signature changes etc.

With this new work, Raymond Lohengrin has provided pages of detailed explanation for each piece creating with each exercise a complete lesson experience. Each lesson includes explanation of the key signature or tonality, tempo suggestions, tips on how to practice, voice separation and balance, harmonic analysis and an audio music sample. This guide also includes links to audition compositions by other important guitar composers.

This material has been in the making for over six years and it has been tested for several years with private students. The author has been teaching the complete Julio Sagreras Lessons for over 35 years.
The music examples in the app have been newly typesetted. Each lesson has been taken to the smallest elements (or dissected) to help the student learn correctly and rapidly.

The complete Vol I contains 62 pages. Because the numerous pages in this edition, Book I has been separated into four volumes. This volume includes a very necessary Guitar Essentials chapter which will serve as an introduction or preparation and continues to Sagreras lessons 40 through 61.

Here a list of the Volumes:
Volume I Introduction, Guitar Essentials and Lessons 40 to 61
Volume II Lessons 62 to 72
Volume III Lessons 73 to 85
Volume IV Theory and Harmony for the Guitar

Raymond Lohengrin (the author of this work) has newly notated the Julio Sagreras guitar etudes here used, He has also recorded these etudes in his CD Sagreras and has prepared all the graphics and music samples in this new edition. ,

List of features:
Guitar notation symbols.
Tablature of Major and minor cords
Preparation for the Sagreras Guitar Lessons
Time signature explanation
Note values explanation
Techniques on chord shifting
Chords with root on the 6,5, and 4 strings
Harmonic Analysis for every lesson
Tempo suggestions for each piece
Study tips
Rest and Free Strokes explanation
Dynamics and more!

It is not my intent with this work to reprint the already well published Guitar Lessons by Sagreras. Therefore, only what is important has been notated. For other measures of secondary importance only the harmony or chords have been provided. It is very important and required that the student uses as reference his or her own copy of Sagreras Lessons Book I

The works Sagreras are now under Public Domain as over 70 years have passed since his death in 1942

© 2015 Raymond Lohengrin

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