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Brainey App; Recovery after a Brain Injury by Niamh Malone

Background to the Brainey App:

I worked as a Clinical Nurse Specialist in stroke rehabilitation for over ten years. In July 2013, I suffered a sub-arachnoid haemorrhage (an acquired brain injury which is a form of a stroke) It changed my life forever. When I got home I realised I had lots of ideas in my head, but I couldn’t write them down. I eventually was able to write down one word – ‘recovery’ and it started from there.

I developed a motivational psychological programme for myself, and stuck to it. This helped me overcome the challenges, and adapt and adjust to the changes in my life. I designed this app to help people in a similar situation to myself, and to help them see that these changes are normal. The feedback so far is that people see the app as a ‘buddy’ for them, aiding them with their recovery. This app will firstly help people to overcome challenges, and then help them re-integrate into their community.

Purpose of the app:

It is a psychological motivational recovery application. It provides guidance, support and advice, through text on a screen that updates every month. The app is designed for people with acquired brain injuries (e.g. sub arachnoid haemorrhages, traumatic brain injuries, brain haemorrhages, strokes, and elective brain surgery). There is a repetitive structure and format throughout, with sequencing, repetition, and prompts. There are no graphics, colours, or patterns, which all distract the brain (which is why this presentation is in black and white).

Re-integrating back into community life:

There is very little support for people with an acquired brain injury, it can take up to 6 months for access to multi-disciplinary services. It can be very traumatic coming home. Realising that although everything looks the same, everything is different which is unsettling. People often find themselves feeling depressed and demotivated. It can be a very lonely time, even though family and friends try to help. It’s often hard to explain exactly what is wrong, so it can be difficult for other people to understand exactly how to help.

How Brainey App helps:

Brainy App deals with psychological motivation. It helps people see that the feelings of tiredness, unusual thinking and not being able do simple activities are perfectly normal with an acquired brain injury. It reinforces the belief that it’s fine to progress at their own pace. It can help the person regain independence and take control of their lives again

Overall layout of the app:

User Details
Help Screens
Home Screen
Pop up Screens with additional information
Information for Carer
Information for Children
Useful Web Links
Daily Reminder
Monthly Feedback
User Details
About the App

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