intelligence/military/security agencies can still monitor your Email/MMS/SMS/IM. However, it would be very difficult (or impossible) for them to read your encrypted messages created by this app, unless they were able to steal your secured key using special measures (e.g. torture, stealing, or blackmail).
This software app is written specially to suite legal professionals (judges and lawyers), police/security/intelligence/military officers, financial or investment professionals, politicians, senior business officials, senior government officials, diplomats, and political, freedom, democracy, or human rights activists. If you are not one of those professionals, it is likely this software app is not for you.
You should consider this software app tool ONLY if you have or deal on a daily basis with highly valuable personal or professional information or data that need to be protected with intelligence/military/security grade encryption technology. This software app is intended to address the privacy and security concerns of your daily communications with your associates and contacts, completely independent and protected from any other business, including us. Also, this software application is designed for exchange of small. medium, and large volume of data or information.
You will need to do some reading about private and public keys (PGP), and how they are used to encrypt and decrypt information and data, and how they used to exchange info and data with other people. You need also to have one of the free good file managers available to be installed on your device. This app comes at a monthly subscription fee of $6.99/month.
This app comes with the following superrior capabilites and enhancements:
- much more secured implementation of the encryption algorithm AES-256;
- much better protection against man-in-the-loop (one of most common approaches used to spy on users);
- larger file size limitation for attachments to MMSs;
- can attach most types of files as to MMSs including encrypted files with extension "pgp";
- most reliable messaging (secured Emails, MMSs, and SMSs).
Important Note: the user have to install our other app SecuredMessagesPlus2 (free) to get the full capabilities of the software. Our other app SecuredMessagesPlus2 will not create an icon on your device after installation, but this app will be able to see it, and communicate with it.
Check our other encryption apps to protect your privacy, and secure your informations and data when using the Internet or your mobile device:
- SecuredVault;
- SecuredVideoNote;
- SecuredAudioNote;
- SecuredWrittenNote.
Important Disclaimer: The field of communications security and encryption is a fast moving and changing field. Therefore, this software app comes without any kind of warranty or guaranty. If your local laws do not allow for such complete disclaimer, you should not use this software app in any fashion, under any circumstances.
You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.
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