Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion PDF OCR / Apr 20 2021

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  • #17714950 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about PDF OCR? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than PDF OCR, post it here! If you know of issues with PDF OCR, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #17715652 Reply | Quote
    David Frame

    i enter the registration code, which it says is successful, but when i restart it says it is uunregistered

    #17715706 Reply | Quote
    Bill Strobel

    Same here enter the registration code and it tells me the code is invalid.

    #17716006 Reply | Quote

    If you got the registration issue, just run the program as Administrator: click on the icon by right mouse button, select “Run As Administrator” then activate.

    #17716307 Reply | Quote
    Bill Strobel

    Thank you that is the key run as administrator

    #17716462 Reply | Quote

    programelė veikia puikiai, super, ačiū

    #17718212 Reply | Quote
    John S

    Does anyone know which OCR engine is used? There are free OCR engines such as tesseract, so is this just a front end?

    #17718377 Reply | Quote

    [@John S]

    Then what? If it can solve issues, why are you care about what engine it use? Ridiculous.

    #17718912 Reply | Quote


    >”Then what? If it can solve issues, why are you care about what engine it use? Ridiculous.”

    If John S already has a different front-end to tesseract, then another one would not produce better results. People generally do not want to have multiple front-ends to the same tool. Therefore, it is a fair question.

    From the list of front-ends of tesseract listed on Github, this program is not listed as a front-end to tesseract. Regardless, it still could be, just not in the list on Github. So, again, a fair question.

    Also, if John S has an alternative OCR tool that is known to outperform tesseract, then again, knowing if this tool is a front-end to tesseract would be helpful.

    For any one of these points, you can substitute any other OCR engine in the place of “tesseract,” and it would still be a fair question.

    Myself, I’m like John S. I always want to know what OCR engine is being used, so I am glad John S. asked. Hopefully, someone else might know the answer and not consider the question ridiculous.

    #17719016 Reply | Quote

    As noted by others, must run as administrator to apply licence code. Install defaults to root (C:), even though directed it to install in Program Files (x86) it still added temp folder and output folder for converted docs to root, possibly other files as well. Tested an image file – all it did was print to .pdf, text was not OCR’d. Similar test with Text-R given away previously worked very well. Uninstalled.

    #17719969 Reply | Quote

    Installiert in c:pdfOCR, also nicht in C:Program FilespdfOCR oder C:Program Files (x86)pdfOCR .
    Registrierung wird als erfolgreich angezeigt Programm ist nach Neustart aber wieder unregistriert “Before registration, you can only convert the first 3 pages. Do you want to register now?”
    Texterkennung mäßig. Zum Beispiel r gefolgt von n wird als m erkannt, / als j oder l, o als 0, e als 9. Auch nicht besser als z.B. PDF-XChange Editor (free).
    Lokalisierung (Deutsch) nur teilweise.

    #17719976 Reply | Quote

    Programme suspect qui ouvre des fenêtres publicitaires après installation.
    j’ai dû réinstaller une image système de Windows pour être certain d’en être débarrassé.

    #17719977 Reply | Quote

    Waste of time. So far, I tried to register software 8 times. Every time the same story:
    – I am entering registration code, then OK
    – Popup windows shows with the following message: “Register Successfully! Please restart program”. I’m pressing OK. Program closes.
    – Next time I try to run this software, it says “PDF OCR – Unregistered”
    Over and over again exactly the same result. As I’ve said – waste of time. I’m uninstalling this program. There is no way I would even consider buying this sort of software. If they are not able to cope with such simple procedure, what can you expect from the program?

    #17719979 Reply | Quote
    Estefane Garcia

    The PDFOCR program, does not register with the code passed by SharewareOnSale, a pity, it promised something good …

    #17719982 Reply | Quote

    Registration does not work. After entering the key, a notification is displayed that the program is registered and needs to be restarted. After restarting, it asks for registration again and works in limited demo mode. OCR recognizes a maximum of 3 pages in this mode.

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Reply To: PDF OCR / Apr 20 2021