Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Perfect PDF 12 Reader and Creator with OCR / May 12 2023

  • This topic has 48 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 7 months ago by Nutzs..
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  • #21170489 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about Perfect PDF 12 Reader and Creator with OCR? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than Perfect PDF 12 Reader and Creator with OCR, post it here! If you know of issues with Perfect PDF 12 Reader and Creator with OCR, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #21170963 Reply | Quote

    I requested several times the email to confirm the subscription to the newsletter, but it never arrived. That’s why I can’t complete the registration to get the key. What can I do? Thank you

    #21171067 Reply | Quote
    Sam Carts

    Ditto on email reception. I too tried 4 times but NEVER received any email!

    #21171535 Reply | Quote
    Bill Strobel

    Same here I registered but no email received to confirm email address. Tried varios times but still no email to confirm my email address.

    #21171624 Reply | Quote

    Same as the others !

    #21171671 Reply | Quote

    Same as the others

    #21171904 Reply | Quote

    I have just received my confirmation e-mail, over 2 hours after creating my new account. For my initial attempts to set up my account I rejected the advertising/marketing cookies and did not get any confirmation e-mail. A few minutes ago I used a different browser and accepted all cookies. I got my confirmation e-mail within minutes.
    This may have been just a long wait, or it may have been due to cookie settings, but there may be something there that helps people still waiting for the confirmation e-mail, as I had been.

    #21171999 Reply | Quote
    Bill Blasic

    When installing the program says “The code execution cannot proceed because mfc140u.dll was not found. It says reinstalling might help”. It does not help.

    #21172143 Reply | Quote
    Support soft Xpansion


    Normally our server sends the confirmation email within 10 minutes. Since we currently have many registrations, the sending may be a little delayed.

    Best regards,
    soft Xpansion Team

    #21172151 Reply | Quote
    Support soft Xpansion

    >> mfc140u.dll could not be found:

    A Visual Studio component from Microsoft is requested during Perfect PDF 12 installation. If it is not found, the installer should automatically perform a separate installation. If the download archive has not been unpacked, it may happen in rare cases that this file is not addressed. Please terminate the installation prematurely and manually execute the file “vcredist.exe” in the download archive (for 64-bit systems with the addition x64, for 32-bit systems with the addition x86) and then restart the program installation.

    #21172302 Reply | Quote

    Ditto, Same as others!

    #21172342 Reply | Quote

    Registered but get no email to confirm my account.

    #21172457 Reply | Quote

    I accepted all cookies & subscribed to the newsletter & still haven’t gotten a confirmation email.
    I’ve been waiting like an hour so far.
    This is ridiculous.

    #21172691 Reply | Quote

    UPDATE: I’ve now been waiting for over 2 hours & still no confirmation email, even though I have tried through another browser. I don’t know what is wrong with their website, but it clearly is not working correctly or else someone doesn’t know what they are doing.

    #21172934 Reply | Quote

    And if you don’t click on the link they send after hours quickly :
    “Your confirmation link has expired or is corrupted. Do you want to resend the confirmation link?”
    What a procedure !

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 49 total)
Reply To: Perfect PDF 12 Reader and Creator with OCR / May 12 2023