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KLWP Wallpaper - kompletter Homescreen
Das ist keine eigenständige App und benötigt KLWP
benötigt kompatibelen Launcher (Apex, Nova, Ligtening Launcher usw.)

3 Seiten Homescreen
- msg - Nachrichten Eingang
- HOME - Startseite
- Media - mp3 Player

vollständiger Homescreen Ersatz für KLWP

mgs - Seite 1
Benachrichtigung der eingegangenen Nachrichten

Facebook "Folio for Facebook" ist Standardmäßig eingestellt
kann in den Globalen geändert werden auf Facebook
Pfad: 1 - faceapp - com.PAKETNAME

HOME - Seite 2
Alle Kalender und Farben des Systems

Wetter - Komponente
Je nach Wetterlage verändert sich die komplette Lanschaft
+ 12 Wetter Situationen für Tag und Nacht
+ 4 Tage Vorhersage beim klicken auf das Widget (verschwindet nach 3 Sekunden automatisch)
+ Sonnen Position in Realtime
+ Windrichtung - Windrose ind realtime (Systemeinstellungen)

Maps - Komponente
Aktuelle Position

Media - Seite 3
mp3 Player - design by LtriX

RSS Reader
Batterie Warnung bei 15% - ändern unter Pfad:
Header - Reihe1 - Battery - Low battery - Farbe (Script)

Komponente Inclusive:
+ Message Panel
+ LtriX_Weather XXL
+ LtriX_gMaps KLWP Wallpaper - complete homescreen
This is not a standalone app and requires KLWP
requires kompatibelen Launcher (Apex, Nova, Ligtening Launcher etc.)

3 pages homescreen
- Msg - message inbox
- HOME - Home
- Media - mp3 player

complete homescreen replacement for KLWP

mgs - Page 1
Notification of incoming messages

Important NOTE:
Facebook "Folio for Facebook" is set by default
can be changed in the Global on Facebook
Path: 1 - faceapp - com.PAKETNAME

HOME - Page 2
All calendars and color of the system

Weather - component
Depending on weather conditions, the complete Lanschaft changed
+ 12 weather conditions, day and night
+ 4 days forecast when clicking the widget (disappears automatically after 3 seconds)
+ Suns position in realtime
Wind Direction - Wind Rose ind realtime (System Settings)

Maps - component
Actual position

Media - Page 3
mp3 player - design by LTRIX

RSS Reader
Battery warning at 15% - change in the Path:
Header - Reihe1 - Battery - Low battery - color (Script)

Component Inclusive:
+ Message panel
+ LtriX_Weather XXL
+ LtriX_gMaps

You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.

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