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Med Legehjul får du masser af inspiration til sjove lege. Alle lege bliver forklaret i en let forståelig video. Legene er en blanding af de ”gode gamle lege” fra dengang mor og far var børn og nyere lege. Legene er inddelt i rolige og aktive lege og kan leges af børn og voksne i alle aldre.
Legepakkerne er sammensat så alle kan lege med og selvom om de fleste lege har en startalder på 4+, så kan alle lege med ;-)
Det gælder bare om, at de voksne eller de store går forrest i legen.

Med Legehjul kan du:
1. Bliv inspireret eller få genopfrisket nye og gamle lege
2. Få inspiration til Cykellege
3. Optage og opfinde dine egne lege

Når du henter appen får du de første 10 lege helt gratis. Hvis du ønsker flere lege, kan du tilkøbe legepakker i appen.

De fleste lege indeholder masser af alsidig bevægelse og aktivitet. Der er fokus på balance, når vi står på et ben og tegner i ”Jeg melder krig mod”, og øje- håndkoordination når en bold skal gribes og kastes. Samarbejde, fællesskab og sociale kompetencer bliver testet og udfordret, og forståelsen for grundlæggende regler er i højsæde. En leg fungerer kun, hvis samarbejdet fungerer, og regelsættes accepteres. I legen kommer vi rundt om hele motorikken, får pulsen op, kravler, løber, kaster, griber m.m.

Rigtig god legelyst #LegeepidemiWith Playwheel you get lots of inspiration for fun games. All games are explained in an easily understandable video. The games are a mixture of the "good old games" from when mother and father were children and newer games. The games are divided into quiet and active games and can be played by children and adults of all ages.
The play packages are composed so everyone can play with and although if most games have a starting age of 4+, everyone can play with ;-)
The only thing is that the adults or the big ones are at the forefront of the game.

With Playwheel you can:
1. Get inspired or refresh new and old games
2. Get inspiration for Cykellege
3. Record and invent your own games

When you download the app you get the first 10 games for free. If you want more doctors, you can buy rental packages in the app.

Most games contain lots of versatile movement and activity. There is a focus on balance when we stand on a leg and draw in "I report war on", and eye-hand coordination when a ball is to be seized and thrown. Cooperation, community and social skills are tested and challenged, and understanding of fundamental rules is paramount. A game only works if the collaboration works and is accepted. In the game we get around the whole motorcycle, get the pulse up, crawl, run, throw, grab, etc.

Very good playful #Legeepidemi

You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.

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