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Download Nevasic for nausea & vomiting Now


Nevasic is effective for symptoms of nausea and vomiting related to a wide range of conditions and treatments - whether you suffer from pregnancy sickness, motion or “travel” sickness or sickness related to excesses, medical conditions and prescribed drugs.

Note: Nevasic requires the download of a 200mb+ file after you have purchased and installed the application. This may take some time, and it is suggested you perform this download over a WiFi connection.

App updated 05/02/16 to latest Android spec to enhance performance.
Note: Use with headphones is essential and WIRED headphones are recommended.

Nevasic is a medical audio programme which stabilises the balance receptors in the inner ear in order to provide relief from nausea and sickness.

Nevasic delivers precisely engineered stabilising audio pulses and frequencies, presented in a jacket of music, to make consumption easy.

Clinical trial - Motion sickness

The MRC Spatial Disorientation Group, Imperial College School of Medicine, London ran a full clinical trial under the branded name of TravelWell.

The trial proved conclusively that the programme is highly effective in combating the symptoms of nausea and vomiting associated with motion sickness.
The report from the trial is lodged with PubMed and available via the National Library of Medicine (USA).

NHS study - Morning sickness

Nevasic was studied by the UK NHS under the branded name of MorningWell.

The study was commissioned by;

Mr M J Heard FRCOG
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Royal Hampshire County Hospital
Winchester, UK.

Study Manager;
Midwife Mrs Lynne Mayo - SRN, SCM, - Andover NHS Birth Centre.

NHS research data.
A National Health Service (NHS) Study showed 9 out of 10 pregnant women experienced a reduction or elimination of their symptoms of nausea & vomiting in morning sickness by using Nevasic branded as MorningWell.

Nevasic has been registered as a class 1 Medical Device in the UK and the USA. It is also registered by the Australian Medical Devices Listing Section (Conformity Assessment Branch) as an exempt product under the Therapeutic Goods Act.

Testimonial from USA customer:
If all I have to do is commit to less than 30 minutes every 3-4 days to listen to soothing music in order to not be sick -- well, who wouldn't do that?
The program definitely works, and I have told many of my friends about it so they won't have to suffer as I was before I found Nevasic. You were right in your initial email that it would take a few days to really work. Although I did have some relief the very first time I listened to it, it took a couple of days for the impact to really "stick." By the 4th day, though, I was able to not only eat to nourish the new life inside me, but I was able to get down on the floor to play w/ my 3 year old -- which I hadn't been able to do for several weeks. For that alone, I thank you!! (As would he, if he knew your program was the reason he was finally able to play with mommy again.) :o)
I can't believe there isn't more information out there about the program. I only happened upon it while on google because I was desperate to find something - anything - that would at least alleviate my nausea, if not cure it. I'm glad I found it!! You guys should definitely advertise w/ OBGYNs in the States; there are a lot of women who need your program who don't even know that it's available. I will be mentioning it to my OB at my next appointment.
Nevasic is amazing - I wish I had known about it during my last pregnancy, because it certainly would have been a lot more enjoyable for me! Thanks so much for an amazing product! I will also be submitting a glowing review on iTunes, which is where I purchased the program.
Thanks again!

You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.

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