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Download Sahaja Kundalini Meditation Now


Imagine being able to awaken your spiritual energy and to experience and enjoy the many benefits of meditation almost immediately. Sahaja Meditation, while sharing many of the fundamentals of traditional meditation techniques, is unique because of how quickly it can help you achieve self awareness. It is even possible to attain Self Realization almost right away. Many people who practice Sahaja Meditation actually had a physical experience in their very first session. Whether you have a physical experience your first time, or not, you will feel calmer, more relaxed and better focused every time you meditate. Try it and see.

Once you start, there are many levels to Sahaja Meditation, varied and deep, that can help you understand more about yourself - from health to spirituality. We call this "awakening your inner self" and in doing so, you gain personal power, awareness and control. In Sahaja Meditation, "we become our own masters."

Sahaja Meditation is simple to learn and easy to practice - an introductory class lasts under an hour. You can practice on your own for about 10 minutes, once or twice a day. Like many things, practice will improve and enhance your experience allowing you to enjoy even greater benefits.

• Stress management and emotional resilience. Stress, in one way or another, contributes to all mental and physical health problems. The sense of inner calm you experience during thoughtless awareness boosts your emotional resilience, which helps you effectively cope with stressful events in the future. Regular meditation activates a built-in stress management mechanism that helps your cope with stressors on an ongoing basis. Thoughtless awareness enables you to influence your Inner Energy; in other words, influence your central nervous system to heal and improve yourself.
• Depression and anxiety relief. Sahaja Meditation helps relieve depression and anxiety symptoms and has been shown to increase positive emotions by influencing neurochemicals released by the limbic (emotional) system (e.g., beta-endorphins). Sahaja revitalizes energy and restores optimism, peace and contentment. Meditation helps manage anger, relieve fear and anxiety, erase negative thoughts and feelings, improve self-esteem, and restore a sense of balance, self-control and well-being. You're better equipped to confront and solve your problems, rather than just feel guilty about your mistakes.
• Prevention and treatment of illnesses, including: epilepsy, hypertension and cardiac diseases, asthma and respiratory illnesses, migraine syndrome, and menopausal symptoms
• Structurally alters the brain. A recent study at Massachusetts General Hospital, (Harvard Medical School teaching hospital), showed that the regular practice of meditation may produce structural changes in areas of the brain associated with attention and sensory processing.
• Boosts immune system and slows aging. By improving overall health, Sahaja helps your body manufacture more disease-fighting cells (T-cells). Thoughtless awareness, combined with the ongoing nourishent of Inner Energy, helps slow aging by keeping your mind and body revitalized and rejuvenated. The Mass General study also showed that meditation may help slow aging by reducing thinning of the cortex.
• Reduction of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder symptoms, such as attention deficit problems, impulsiveness, hyperactivity and conflict in interpersonal relationships in all settings (school, workplace, social and family). Family-oriented AD/HD studies of meditation have also shown that parents reported feeling happier, less stressed and better able to manage their child’s behavior.
• Pain reduction. NIH-funded neuroimaging studies found that long-term meditation can mitigate the brain's response to pain by 40 to 50 percent. In other words, meditation is actually capable of modifying how the brain perceives pain, which could be good news for chronic pain sufferers.

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