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Clear communicators don't mumble, swear, hesitate, go off track, repeat themselves, use 'filler' words, whisper or shout. If you're mentally ticking off one or more of these traits in your own communication, you might benefit from up-skilling your verbal communication.

Back at school, educators are taught to look out for and support children with speech difficulties such as lisps or stuttering. Maybe your speech is clear enough for close family or friends but you struggle to be understood at work or in social situations.

Where speaking more clearly would bring serious benefits

In a work environment, for instance, it may be fine for a very junior person not to have particularly good diction. But what if you want promotion? What if you need to make presentations or even just speak out in meetings? If you notice that other people speak much more clearly than you do, you may feel at a disadvantage.

Not speaking clearly can be tricky to deal with

And it may feel like an embarrassing disadvantage. Here you are, an adult, and you can't speak properly? That's not something anyone would feel comfortable admitting to. So you may hold back from going for those opportunities, even if you know you could be great, for fear that how you speak will let you down.

It's easier than you think to learn to speak more clearly

However, you can learn to speak more clearly and use your voice well to communicate better in all sorts of situations. You can start right away. You can seek out examples of good speakers on TV or on the web and set about emulating them. Even more importantly, you can take advantage of the unique power of hypnosis to help you make fast yet lasting changes in your own habitual speech patterns.

Hypnosis can help you master the art of speaking clearly

Speak Clearly is an audio hypnosis session designed to help you take full control of your powers of verbal communication and go as far as you want with it.

Setting aside time to listen to Speak Clearly - and to carry out the speaking exercises it suggests - will be one of the best things you've ever done for yourself. You will learn the three essential areas to focus on for better speech, and how to extend your range and control. You will discover how important (and easy) deep relaxation is for good communication. And you will receive powerful suggestions to integrate what you learn into your instinctive templates for communication.

Download Speak Clearly and let's hear what you have to say.

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